Building a better community
P.O. Box 2177, Aston, PA 19014

Included with your ABA membership is a listing in the new ABA Online Business Directory. Members in good standing now have the ability edit and enhance their ABA online listings. Add your logo, create a welcoming statement and description of your service and product offerings.

Manage your listing….

  1. Browse or search to locate your listing in the directory then click the “edit” button at the bottom of your listing. This takes you to a page where you can enter your email address and access key. If this is your first attempt or you forgot your Access Key, click the “Request Access Key?” link located below the Use Access Key button. (Note: it may take up to 3 days for your listing to be active. Please be patient as our volunteer staff adds or updates your listing in the directory.)
  2. On the following page enter the email address we have on file for your account. (this would be the address to which we send all online correspondence.)
  3. Next the system will email an access code to you that you can use to edit your listing. You can update the listing description, add a logo, update phone numbers and web address, and upload additional photos etc….

Please enjoy this new feature to help you promote your business locally and feel free to send us your feedback to help us improve our services.